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Emotional Intelligence and Product By Darren Gavigan [Mind the Product]

In this ProductTank London talk, Product Consultant, Darren Gavigan explains the importance of emotional intelligence and how it can make you a better product manager.

His key points include:

  • The emotional intelligence umbrella
  • Empathy
  • Curiosity and adaptability
  • Passion and belief

Watch the video to see Darren’s talk in full. Or read on for an overview of his key points.

The emotional intelligence umbrella

Upon joining a new company as a consultant, Darren was told he would be ok because he had good emotional intelligence. The umbrella of things that encompasses what emotional intelligence is can be large, as emotional intelligence can be defined differently for everyone. Darren provides five areas to focus on that will help product managers to improve their working day, deliver successful products, enable their teams and further their product careers.


Empathy is the most valuable component of emotional intelligence. It underpins everything and is the biggest point of anything to do with emotional intelligence. It refers to the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Some ways to showcase empathy are to build relationships, say hi to colleagues, make small connections and make people feel valued. Product managers are in the middle of teams and it is the product manager’s job to connect the team together.

Curiosity and adaptability

Two other areas of focus Darren mentions are curiosity and adaptability. Product managers need to be willing to learn and become knowledgeable sponges. They must also be flexible and recognize when to continue a course of action and when it’s time for a change.

Passion and belief

Finally, passion and belief are two areas that are inherently linked. Product managers need to be passionate about the work they are doing. It’s infectious. If the product manager is passionate then their team will be also. They must also be able to show that they believe. They must have trust, faith, and confidence in their people and their products.

The key takeaway from this talk is that it doesn’t matter where we work, emotional intelligence is important.

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Source: Mind the Product https://www.mindtheproduct.com/emotional-intelligence-and-product-by-darren-gavigan/
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