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Here's how to use lean experiments to guide your product decisions [Stockwell Strategy]

The Lean Startup approach is gaining popularity in organisations of all sizes, which means teams must adapt their processes.

To recap, “Lean Startup” is a business approach that calls for rapid experimentation to reduce the risks of building something new. The framework has roots in the Lean Manufacturing methodology and mirrors the scientific method. It calls for very UX-friendly processes, such as collecting iterative feedback and focusing on empirical measurement of performance indicators.

One of the core principles is to iterate through a cycle known as Build-Measure-Learn, which includes building a minimum viable product (MVP) to test, measure what happens, and then decide whether to move forward with the suggested solution (persevere) or find another (pivot).

Simple in theory. But it can be challenging to figure out what MVP to build, how to interpret the data collected and what next steps should be after completing a lean experiment. These guidelines will help you get the most out of your experimentation cycles and understand whether you should pivot or persevere.

Source: LinkedIn http://bit.ly/2rUGR8B

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