Facebook, a product for all occassions? [SteveMiami]
I just noticed a jobs section on Facebook. Not sure how long it's been there but it seems to be something new. I'm not too excited about the thought of a social media site where the norm is rant, whine, repost silly photos and say happy birthday to strangers suddenly being mashed up with career data. Just as I say not to turn LinkedIn into Facebook, on the flip-side don't turn Facebook into LinkedIn. I'm not sure my future employer is interested in what I ate for dinner last night or that I took a walk in Central Park on Saturday.
How effective would a job posting be on Facebook? The site has been saturated with quizzes, politics, photos and chain letter type postings asking for 'likes' and 'shares'. Due to the magnitude of trivial content being shared, I usually ignore whatever is in my newsfeed which would include missing out on job potential.
That brings me over to LinkedIn where I tend to scroll through what my business associates are reading. I reliably find great industry articles this way.
So a few weeks back, just as a social experiment, I posted on LinkedIn that my new blog is up. Well I've posted, shared and liked on social media outlets over the years but have never experienced a response like I have received on LinkedIn.
On Facebook, with their very active membership, the window of opportunity for interaction is so narrow that friends don't get notified. I'm happy if anyone likes or shares my Facebook content.
I was surprised that the article I posted on LinkedIn had immediate response and by the end of the day over 100 views, and people are still reading it weeks later. And recruiters are contacting me about job opportunities.
It's great that a social media site is mastering their niche instead of trying to be all things to all people.
I just hope the content on LinkedIn continues to be about careers and industry news and everyone saves their silly surveys, food and cute pet photos for Facebook.
Post an article about your industry, a career tip or job opening on LinkedIn because there are business associates ready to view your story.
Steve is a Digital Product Manager based in New York City. Most recently implementing Content Management Systems with customized features for entertainment publishing. He known for solving problems, optimizing product features and creating happy users. Steve is actively interviewing and would like to join an Agile team as a Business Analyst / Product Manager. You can learn more about Steve's skill set and background at http://linkedin.com/in/steveapple​
Source: SteveMiami http://bit.ly/2oYwi2q
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